Dell’s Mashup Experiment: Green + Employees + Google Maps + Carpooling

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Even though the price of a gallon of gas in the U.S. is no longer hovering around $4 (I saw it today for just $1.49), it still think like a good idea for our employees and the environment to offer the new Dell Carpooling program. Like my the title of my posts suggests, it’s essentially a mashup of Google Maps and employees submitting their home location to create a killer app for Dell employees that’s also good for the environment.

We worked with Rides Near Me to create the program. Recently a couple of my Dell colleagues (Bruce Eric Anderson, lead blogger on Digital Nomads and Dell’s Enterprise Evangelist, and Vida Killian, Dell’s queen of IdeaStorm and Employee Storm (Dell’s internal idea site) took the opportunity to register on the site and ride in together. They already knew they lived near each other but both signed up and find others to eventually join them.  We’ll see how it goes.

Not surprisingly, Bruce Eric brought a Zi6 camera to videotape the experience. He also edited the video himself—I saw him doing it. Take a look to see what this carpool mashup is all about.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca

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