IdeaStorm Recap 12/15/2010

It has been a month
and a half since Bill J
and I started working with the IdeaStorm community, and I wanted to take a
moment to update you on what we have been up to so far. One of the first things
we did was host a "town hall" conference call with some of our members. Joining
Bill and me on the call was Andrew D
of Dell Product Group. Among the community members on the call were jervis961
and sugarbear.
We plan on hosting more of these calls in the coming months with details on how
you can join in to come. Bill J also conducted a Storm Session
to find out what Dell can do to make the site better.

What we heard loud
and clear on the Town Hall call, as well as from the Storm Session, was that we
need to participate, stay engaged, listen, implement promoted ideas, and keep
the community updated more often and more regularly. We also have a list of
site issues and feature requests to review. We got quite a list of ideas and
site improvement suggestions from jervis961, in particular, on the Storm Session. We will be factoring in all of the feedback from
the Storm Session into the IdeaStorm 2.0 plan that we are developing over the
next few weeks.

IdeaStorm is a key
opportunity for Dell to connect the ideas of our customers with key product and
business process staff inside Dell , and that is precisely what I will be
focusing a great deal of my efforts towards over the coming months. I plan on
regular communications (like this update) to keep you posted about news and
progress towards milestones.

On to the ideas!

About the Author: Bill Bivin