Share Your #greentip for World Environment Day

I did this earlier in the year, and thought it made since to re-visit for World Environment Day. If you're on Twitter and have some green tips to share with folks, here's how you can do it:

  • Create a Twitter account – It's pretty straightforward… go to this link and Enter a User Name, Password, and e-mail address
  • Follow @hashtags – Do this by going to, logging in, and entering "hashtags" in the search window near the top of the Twitter main page, then click the Follow button
  • Type your green tip in the Twitter comment box (in 130 characters or less)
  • End your tweet with #greentip (no "s" on the end, all one word).
  • Press the update button

You can easily follow the latest tips by going to You can also see those that we amassed on Earth Day.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca